Welcome to the happily eva after collection
NYC Street Style…
There is nothing better than Fall in New York City. The energy and style that surrounds you as you stroll down one city block in NYC is enough to offer inspiration for months or even years! As I reflected on what I wanted for my final Happily Eva After Collection series, I knew I had to choose the place that raised me: the effortlessly cool, endlessly vibrant NYC. There is probably nothing else that has inspired me more deeply than the characters and unofficial style icons I have witnessed on my hometown’s streets over the years. Artists, Misanthropes, Diplomats, and Divas…all mixing together in their commutes through the greatest city in the world.
When I think of powerful elegance, I think of New York City street style and its lack of preciousness. Grittiness and glamour, in equal measure. New Yorkers get ready in the morning for the entire day, carrying the extra layers and accessories with them– and their daily look is reinvented hour upon hour. Versatility is key.
I designed the series with this versatility in mind: Multipurpose pieces that can be layered, dressed up or down, and worn all together or on their own. As is true with the best street style, you make the pieces yours…and in doing so, you make them even better. I hope when you wear these pieces that you feel as though you’ve always owned them, and that they give you the extra energy that you need to power through your day in style!

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